Our Board Members


Eileen Gormley


Certificate in Community Development 2019 (University of Galway)

I am the original Galway Girl. I have been a resident in Galway Cheshire House for the past 8 years. I was elected and served two terms as Secretary to the Galway Residents Committee. I was subsequently honoured to be voted on the Cheshire Board of Directors in July 2023. I have been active in advocacy groups including Access for All, Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) and Galway Rehabcare. In 2019, I completed a course in Community Development. In the same year, a community music band I am founder member of, The Cheshire House Elastic Band won the Sparkchange award for Creativity, awarded by Trinity College and The Wheel (Association of Community and Voluntary Organisations).

I started writing poetry in 2011 as a way of exploring and expressing emotion. Since then, I have published several of my poems in the Galway Cheshire Times Community magazine and other publications. I am a regular contributor at many Community events including SCCUL Sanctuary Therapeutic Centre events, where I have read my poetry at group sessions and at their Choirfactor concert event. In 2020 I conducted a presentation for the HSE National sharing day, where my topic was ‘Finding my voice’. I believe in making my poetry accessible to all, so that adults and Children alike can enjoy my poems. I like to include humour in my poetry to raise the spirits of readers.


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